Diseases that weaken the brain - dementia 

The main symptoms and main symptoms of dementia

Dementia can be a term used to describe a group of symptoms that affect different aspects of our ability to think and function. They deteriorate over time and affect our lifestyle. Dementia is not a common part of old age, it is the result of physical diseases that damage the brain. Outside of who we are as individuals, wisdom, emotion, our hope, and our fears are driven by this incredible organ.

The brain is the most complex structure within the known universe. In the complex network of brain cells, the bundles of nerve fibers and the hundreds of miles of blood vessels all work for us in the careful unity that sustains us every day. Nerve cells in the brain are on fire every second of our lives, but when these cells break down and the connection begins to break down, a person can develop dementia.

The area of ​​the brain where this damage occurs determines the symptoms of personal experiences. If the nerve cells at the back of the brain are damaged, the person's vision may be affected and they may have difficulty reading words or climbing stairs. If the nerve cells on the sides of the brain are damaged, communication and language skills can change.

General Symptoms of dementia.

1. Weak memory
2. Confusion
3. Personality changes
4. Communication difficulty
5. Problems Problems
6. Lost

Strict symptoms of dementia

1. Personality changes
2. Lack of social awareness
3. Changes in food preferences
4. Drinking too much or not
5. Behavior change
6. Difficulty planning 
7. Language problems
8. Loss of interest in people

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