Corona Virus - Stands Today - Challenge Coronavirus 2020 Prevention

Precautions that apply if you are infected with a coronavirus

We all know that prevention is better than cure, so be careful about your health and stay up to date on the diseases of your society. Most of the diseases that are transmitted from people to people come from people around you. It is common to be infected by others in cold weather. Coronavirus is similar to the common cold but very dangerous. Therefore, special care should be taken. Coronavirus prevention measures 

1. Stay at home Stay at home as much as possible and avoid traveling by plane, bus, train and other public areas as the active coronavirus can be transmitted from one person to another and it is very dangerous. Coronavirus spreads through the airways and respiratory tract. Care is needed when staying at home, not having personal contact with other members or individuals. 

2. Don't go in crowds 

We know that coronavirus is actively spread through the air during respiration. This will reduce infection cases and issues. This is especially important with data because preliminary data show that people can become infected and become infected 10 to 1 to 10 days before they become ill.

3. Don't have any personal contact with people 

Ignore visitors and become social because the coronavirus will easily spread from your air to your visitors and will also be wary of meeting such a person. There may be many people around you who are infected with coronavirus, so individuals need to pay special attention.

4. Wear a quality medical mask

Use the good qualities of medical masks that give you a degree of protection. The virus breathes air form and from our eyes to the nose, the mouth is the main parts from where it uses an N95 mask and a surgical mask.

5. Do not share food and utensils

People feel normal for a week but they can be infected with coronavirus and such people are the main infectious agents of the virus. The viruses can attach to the surface of the vessel and can enter the mouth directly.

6. Use eyeglasses.

Coronavirus can spread through the eyes and even through the air and cold so wrapping glass is a very gentle way to be safe. When people sneeze or eat, they spread the virus out into the environment.

7. Wear good gloves on your hands

When a person sneezes or eats the virus can come in contact with any surface and the surface can come in contact with our hands. From the hand, they can go inside our body. We touch our mouth or eyes and when we touch our mouth or eyes they can go inside. Wash your hands from time to time when coming from outside.

Get good nutrition, Vitamin D.

Coronaviruses attack the WBCs in our bloodstream and weaken our immune system. It is very good to take many vitamin and protein tablets and mineral tablets. Dietary ingredients are needed to strengthen the immune system. Getting vitamin D in the sun is also very important.

9. Don't go to hospitals 

Hospitals are areas where a lot of infected visitors can come and they don't even know if they are infected. This is because the virus gets sick in 10 to 14 days or earlier. Inform doctors if you have any symptoms of coronavirus.

10. Keep warm

We know that cold and cold weather and the spread of the virus can cause colds to survive longer in the cold. In winter we get runny nose and that reduces the blood supply to our nose and it means less immune cells are going. Wear warm clothing and maintain a normal temperature that helps boost the immune system.

If you have any symptoms it is best to take care of the people around you. Coronavirus is a very active virus and seeks a host. It can spread from human to human or from animal to human. So you should be free from public places and consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Chest X-ray with the bilateral examination which is all incompetent. While a low white blood cell count at a high LHD was detected in the laboratory of this coronavirus which was similar to SARS. With the exception of the common cold or influenza, it is difficult to cure without care to help the novel coronavirus. Respiratory failure is the most difficult condition that makes prevention difficult. It was found that a patient has been successfully treated with ECMO.

Also, read the symptoms of coronavirus

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